
I am a semi-retired physician. I took a long and circuitous route to where I am today. In high school, I discovered the book "Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland" which got me interested in quantum mechanics. When I got into USC, physics was my major. But I just wasn't good enough at math to really hack it, although I didn't discover that until I had my Master's degree in physics. After getting a job as an actuarial trainee (because I needed a job), I found that science was really what I wanted to do, so I went back to school at UCLA taking biology classes, genetics, etc. The Neurosciences Program was my next foray. I did well, passing the written exam on my first try, but the research they had me doing involved inserting electrodes stereotactically into the brains of rats and cats, and I had to destroy them at the end of the day. Part of the course requirements for the Neurosciences program was physiology with the medical students. That was very interesting, so when someone suggested I go to medical school, a lightbulb appeared over my head, and I applied. And, despite my advanced age of 31, I got in.

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